Revision of the database system of ArboDat

Dear Community! The database system of ArboDat (version 2018) has been revised: It has been decided to re-implement the database schema in Postgres. This will allow a more flexible installation of ArboDat+ on different operating systems. Windows and MS Access will not be required for ArboDat+.
6 thoughts on “Revision of the database system of ArboDat”
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Thank you for providing this useful round table blog.
Here are my first comments; a more detailed discussion will be possible only when the concept of ArboDat+ has been more clarified. It would be good if the points could then be discussed live and openly, for example at a (Zoom) conference with the ArboDat users.
All hitherto existing interactive ArboDat functionalities are needed for our standardized data archiving, scientific archaeobotanical work, data exchange and data documentation and as a basis for data visualization. As most users (like myself) are not familiar with R, Java or other programming languages we are not able (and do not have the time) to program individual queries. This has to be provided by the ArboDat+ team.
The (structural) tables of ArboDat include German, English and French terms used by the users since decades. Therefore, care has to be taken, that these terms are not changed. The same holds true for the botanical names connected with the PCODE (see ArboDat manuals). All drop-down menus have to be kept as well to provide a user-friendly data entry etc. Access to the data tables has to be warranted, to be able to check and change data entries. Data entry and the different entry levels project, feature, sample, results per fraction etc. have to be provided 1:1 analogue to the recent ArboDat-version including carbon and other dating, the calculation functions and linked ecological data (see ArboDat manuals).
A very important point will be in the end the individual, loss-free data transfer from old to new ArboDat software “at the push of a button”. Nobody has the time to enter data again.
As for online publishing: A variety of repositories are available at the moment. The final decision has to be taken by the different authors and institutions. My data are located open access at GFZ Data Services, which is a repository for research data and scientific software across the Earth System Sciences, hosted at GFZ. They are archived in the ArboDat 2016 datacentre, see: GFZ Data Services – Metadata Portal (
Angela Kreuz
An das Arbodat+-Team:
Anstelle der im survey angekündigten 15 Fragen waren es letzte Woche lediglich 10. In den letzten Tagen wurden offenbar einige Fragen ergänzt. Ist der Fragebogen nun vollständig?
Freundliche Grüße
Monika Hellmund
Liebe Frau Hellmund,
vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht. In dem Survey gibt es insgesamt 15 Fragen, die aber teilweise aufeinander aufbauen. Wenn Sie z.B. angeben, dass Sie die “Data Evaluation” nicht nutzen, so werden Fragen, die sich darauf beziehen, nicht angezeigt. Daher kann es sein, dass Sie nur eine reduzierte Anzahl an Fragen angezeigt bekommen.
Viele Grüße
Moritz Mennenga
Hallo, bin sehr interessiert an den weiteren Entwicklung und bin gerne bereit arbeitsversionen zu resten
Elena Marinova
Liebe Elena.
vielen Dank, das ist super. Es wird sicherlich noch etwas dauern, bevor die erste Testversion angeschaut werden kann, aber wir freuen uns über Deine Unterstützung!
Viele Grüße
This is one of the first steps taken towards the development of ArboDat+.