
status update 2024

status update 2024

Software development is progressing: this year, we revised the database schema, implemented the backend, and set up the API and the Frontend. We also pushed general thesauri on centralized Dante Servers. Finally, we addressed and will finish the import functionality for old data in early 

Front end advancements

Front end advancements

The front end is the primary interface through which users interact with the program, including data entry and other communication. To ensure maximum accessibility, the front end is currently being developed as a web application, allowing it to be run in any modern browser on 

progressing in API development

progressing in API development

The API serves as a crucial link between the front-end and the database, forming the backbone of the future web application. It facilitates seamless communication between the front-end and the back-end database, enabling efficient handling of user requests, data processing and database management. Choosing Java and the Spring Boot framework for our API development was a strategic decision. Java, with its robustness and platform independence, is a well-established technology in the enterprise environment. Spring Boot, on the other hand, is renowned for its ability to simplify the setup and development of applications.

The core functionalities of the REST API have now been implemented. Specific requests will be addressed at a later stage, in line with the progression of the front end and once specific requirements of the front end have been finalized.

novel database schema

novel database schema

We are happy to announce that the novel database schema has been created. The new database is based on a relational model, just as it was before, but uses PostgreSQL instead of MS-Access. Most of the data fields remained. To facilitate data publication and export 

Publication of the survey results

Publication of the survey results

Even though it was quiet for a long time, the project team continued to work on ArboDat+ the whole time. This includes analysing the survey that took place at the end of last year. This has now been published on Zenodo: Mennenga, M., Knappe, C., 

ArboDat+ in your language? No problem!

ArboDat+ in your language? No problem!

If you also want to use ArboDat in your own language, this is generally not a problem. However, we need your help! Help us translate the entries and the front end. We have collected all the important lists online for this purpose. You can also discuss this in the forum.

ArboDat+ live in Berlin

ArboDat+ live in Berlin

The NFDI4Objects community meeting will take place in Berlin on 15 and 16 November 2023. Task Area 3 and the “ArboDat+” trail will present themselves to all interested parties at this event. On Thursday afternoon, there will be brief information about the project in a online now! online now!

This website was created to communicate with the ArboDat user community (It’s for you!). It (1) provides a forum to collect all kinds of information and suggestions for the further development of the software, (2) wants to inform in the blog section about the revision 

First steps to synchronize ArboDat with PANGAEA

First steps to synchronize ArboDat with PANGAEA

In a meeting with PANGAEA, it was discussed how to further simplify the upload of data once entered in ArboDat. Close cooperation with the PANGAEA program developers is planned for the implementation of the PANGAEA upload interface of ArboDat+.

Revision of ArboDat functionality and user interface

Revision of ArboDat functionality and user interface

The current ArboDat interface was analysed in depth with regard to the current potential needs of its users. Please let us know (either here as a comment or in the forum section), which changes to ArboDat you would find useful. The new implementation of the